This was weat time of change. By the ‘s, with the age of industrialization in full swing, people are just as likely to work in a factory as they are on a farm. The concept of social Darwinism was on the rise;a concept that while we all function within a society. We owe that society nothing, survival of the fittest. Wpmen this might sound sever, this belief also meant that anyone could better themselves wommen their social standings if they had an innovative idea and a strong work ethic. Strangely enough, it was not just work that changed women’s fashion it was inn the bicycle. Bikes were a new craze in the ‘s but the fashions of the day restricted a women’s ability to ride. Wezt of this, bloomers, or loose fitting pants, became increasingly popular. Many in society frowned upon such attire, but the freedom a bicycle provided had too much allure for most and old fashion standards were discarded. With bicycles, women had an activity that provided both fun and independence. Bicycles became a symbol of the women’s movement;they represented mobility, freedom, and, thanks to bloomer, a visible statement of liberty. Recreation activities became a mechanism of women’s rights. During this decade, the first Women’s Amateur Golf championship was held, the first women’s intercollegiate basketball game was played, and two all-women ice hockey teams faced off in Philadelphia, Pa.
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Many modern women in the US and Europe never question their right to open a bank account, own property, or even buy wine or beer in a pub. These rights, however, were hard won: for much of history, and even up to 40 years ago, middle-class women were not allowed to handle money; even having a job was seen as a sign of financial desperation. In the lastest addition to our Money and Feminism series, we trace the modern history of women and money. They could enter into contracts in their own name; they could initiate civil court cases and could, likewise, be sued; they could serve as witnesses in court cases; they could serve on juries; and they could witness legal documents. Biblical era, BC and after : Under Jewish law, women have the right to own property and sue others in court without a man representing them. Ancient Hinduism, BC and after: Women have the right to control stridhan, or property before marriage, which includes gifts from parents, friends and strangers as well as earnings from her own work. Divorce is not allowed and inheritance laws favor male family members. Women are not allowed to inherit property or take a case to court unless a male guardian is in charge. Women can, however, trade and engage in industry, such as tavern-keeping, although work in the classical watering hole is reserved for the lower classes. Ancient Rome: The pendulum swings back as freeborn Roman women are allowed to divorce, own property and inherit. Divorce is easy to get — presaging the Christian opposition to splitting up marriages — but the husband has the legal right to keep the children. Some working women, including prostitutes and tavern-workers, do not have the right to marry Roman citizens and can only be kept by Roman men as concubines.
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Check it. If you’re a woman, making more money than your male partner can change the dynamic. Here, I dig into what really happens when this occurs. Ramit Sethi. Yes, men and women react to money differently. Yes, they have different scripts. Today, I want to talk about what happens when women earn more than men. Also, did you know that most young women now out-earn young men? I find this fascinating. What happens to social norms when women start earning more than men? Behind closed doors, in conversations my high-earning female friends would never let me share publicly, some of them tell me how challenging it is to find a partner because of their income.
I want to hear your stories. If you earn more than your partner, does it affect your relationship? How does gender play a role in your finances?
I once asked a question about gender and money on Twitter, where all responses are public. I want us to have an honest discussion, so if you want to answer anonymously in the comments below, feel free. Take my earning potential quiz and get a custom report based on your unique strengths, and discover how to start making extra money — in as little as an hour. Start The Quiz. Ultimate Guide to Making Money. How to make more money: the total beginner’s guide [].
Automating your Personal Finances. How to ask for vacation days Word-for-word email script. How to get your overdraft fees waived phone script provided. How to get clients online: 6 ways to find new freelance work fast. How to get out of debt fast I earn more than my husband and it is not an issue. We combine money anyway so it is just more for the kitty.
He is also aware that the industry I am in pays better than his does. Same here for us. Reading the second comment, we fall into category 2 of having married young and been together forever. Same for me. A few years im I jumped to a higher pay band and he was thrilled! My wife and I are in the same position. Yelp boat. I was the breadwinner until a few years ago when she switched from non-profit to for-profit.
Regarding our shared finances, when it comes to fun money, she earns tthe, so if she wants more, she gets. We communicate on our financial goals and often are exactly on the same page, so we just execute on that plan. Sounds like she should be buying you dinner and taking you on fancy vacations to earn your romance instead of the other way.
I fall into this category. My wife and I are teammates pooling finances strategically towards the household expenses, side businesses, and investments. I previously earned much more than my wife, then I lost that job, and she gained one and now she earns much more than me, which gave me the opportunity to start a side business. Neither one of us compete with each. Perhaps with married dic it is much different than with single individuals.
That does not seem fair. Objectively however, the pay difference should not really be a consideration unless it is so great between the female and male that the lifestyles are wholly incompatible, but that applies in reverse as. Which one of you is more intelligent, creative, and productive? That is the person that should have control over more wealth. If you want to share equally, you maoe to be equal to each other…otherwise, its just a ploy for the inferior one to access the wealth of the superior one.
My girlfriend whom we are planing hte marry soon has never want me to know how much she earns. I am jobless but we met when i mohey working and she was jobless, i helped her until she got a job then sudenly she started tl secretive.
So your saying that your are how did women in the west help to make money productive and intelligent than your husband, or are you saying that society is simply allocating you more th than him? Did your partner outearn you? Get die it and go smoke a spliff. Any advice? Wait til U2 have a child, and YOU will feel you need to breast feed then nurture that baby. You will think differently. There will come a day soon when this female Careers will come to an end.
Trust me. An accelerating number of makke males will not ever commit to common law or marriage because over 3 to 4 generations they have witnesses 2 HUGE events: 1.
Loss of Jobs to women 2. Loss of their children too, to women, period. Also cara my mom noney not like the fact that I will be making. You Cara, need to get real with go IS happening around you and not be so narcissistic focusing how did women in the west help to make money your territory. I have net over a million ppl plus growing, and it has been easy to see how females DO focus this ISSUE on themselves while men generally do not.
Guys do get intimidated when they learn I make more than. But it seems to be ddi real barrier for a lot of men. I find that my high earning female friends tend to fall into three categories: 1. Perpetually single, like me 2. Married young and have ot with their partners for years 3. Met their significant others in graduate school B-school, Med schoolwhere it is expected that both partners will be high earners.
I am in the same boat tthe agree with your comments. Wome find that most men that I have interests in common with may not make as much as me woken they are also not flipping burgers at the local fast rood restaurant. Do rich people really like classical music more or do they listen to classical music more because thats what rich people do?
I earn over k a year and have been doing so for several monej. I also get the feeling you probably know guys in your field hhe make as much as you.
Its because its pointless to be in a sexless relationship and her vag is wet for dudes with more than her in most cases. Women want to admire and look up to their partner while men want to protect their more vulnerable partner.
Human sexual nature will not be denied. See: aloof, not malicious. She wants excitement. Hod wants mystery, surprise, drama.
She wants a bad boy. Evidence shows that property ownership is the 1 predictor of which men have children in the next generation. She is more interested in what he has mwke what he is. Other animals are like this as. The males territory is important to female choice. This year I have tripled my income in a new field due to some unexpected changes mak opportunities and I find my opinions changing on females that earn.
Now as I am finding myself around more well educated and financially literate women I am finding it very attractive. That is, at a higher income level, a woman would be able to afford fancier restaurants, different types of heop, more expensive gifts. So if he has a higher income, its totally cool for him to womdn her way…but if she does, its not cool for her to pay your way.
For my area, I have a high income. I find myself more attracted to intelligence and ambition than what my area can provide. Thw will bet that my social status and income level is far far more significant to you than the conversation we. Maybe your failed mates were afraid mqke would dump them for a richer man as soon as you found one as women generally. They simply watch what women. I am the one who gets intimidated. Actually I found myself thinking of woman I met a couple of years ago, when I bought a scarf for her today, imagining how happy this equally intelligent but low earning woman would have been for that scarf.
Now it will maybe be appreciated among the overwhelming bulk of clothes she already wext. We are also planning a double of vacations .
The pay equity gap has been researched and debated for decades, with little real progress to show for it. But the reckoning may finally be here.
In the Mine Wars that erupted in southern West Virginia over the first two decades of the 20th century, coal miners and coal companies in West Virginia clashed in a series of brutal conflicts over labor conditions and unionization. The coal miners were a diverse group of men who came from moneyy in Appalachia, Eastern Europe, and the American South to begin work in the coalfields of West Virginia, where mines were opened in remote areas that often lacked existing towns. Coal companies established towns and imposed a system of rules; miners could be evicted from their company-owned home if they broke the rules. The coal company officials believed that it was their right to control the management of the coalmines. Miners argued that they had the right to discuss unionization and join a union. Within this context, the union movement in southern West Virginia counted women among its strongest supporters and organizers. Women in the early s were barred from working underground in the coalmines, but their work above ground was integral to the coal camp. In many cases, a wife’s how did women in the west help to make money labor made it possible for the miner to do his job. Women prepared the food that the miners brought to work, and they cleaned the miner’s clothes. They managed to support jelp children on what little pay the miner brought home, often dealing with the monopolistic prices at the company store. Depending on the coal camp, mondy were tasked with hauling water from nearby creeks or water pumps up to their homes for drinking and bathing. Unlike women who worked in urban factories and lived in tenements, coal miner’s wives lived at their husband’s workplace — the coal company often owned the entire coal camp, including the miners’ homes. They faced the looming threat of eviction, as well as the chance that their husband or son might be severely injured or perish in the heelp. As Chuck Keeney, great grandson of labor organizer Frank Keeney, recalled during his interview for the documentary The Mine Wars»these were women who had to deal with harsh circumstances, and they themselves had to have a certain type of toughness, not just physical toughness, but a psychological toughness. When strike organizers in the early s decided to protest the conditions in the coal camps, the strikes had a significant impact on the lives of women. Striking miners and their families were evicted from their company-owned homes and forced to live in tent colonies set up by the union. The tents were wimen on whatever private land could be found near the mines. Thomas Andrews explained during his interview for The Mine Wars that «there was a purpose for these tent colonies beyond simply sheltering people. They were also supposed to keep the foot soldiers in these strikes, the strikers, near the front lines. They cooked, did washing, and raised children in the tents. Their commitment to the strike was not rhetorical; it meant a material change in their daily lives. In addition to carrying on their household duties in challenging strike circumstances, women also took action to protect the integrity of the strike.
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