Submit a link Submit a text post Submit a game suggestion. No macroing ban appeals. For more information about account bans, click pcm. This is not the place to accuse players of wrongdoing. Report abuse in game and contact Jagex for serious issues. Feel like sharing? Please censor names wherever possible. Don’t post your streams. Click here moneyy have your stream added to the sidebar. Something I did around your stats was medium clues, you can train some combat on low-medium level creatures to get these and then make money from God pages and rangers if you get. You could also grind out a ton of fetching for money or. I bet if you maoing your attack to 60 there for dragon weapons you will make about 1m. I have got lucky a couple of times with getting moss giants redddit my slayer task and I was quite lucky during that trip with my drops, got some of the new moss giant keys too for the kinda boss moss giant. Did think about blast furnace, could give that osrs low level pvm money making reddit go as steel bars will sell quite quickly in the ge, thanks!
Submit a link Submit a text post Submit a game suggestion. No macroing ban appeals. For more information about account bans, click here. This is not the place to accuse players of wrongdoing. Report abuse in game and contact Jagex for serious issues. Feel like sharing? Please censor names wherever possible. Don’t post your streams. Click here to have your stream added to the sidebar. What would you guys do for money making with these stats? Question i. This guy has probably done quests and hard diarys asap, grinded some untrable gearpieces and gotten decent stats while at it. His slayer level isn’t quite high enough to start making tons of money from that, so he wouldn’t be able to know about that really. Back in rs2 I had stats like this and had k to my name when I got 99 attack. I just played for the fun of it and fished a few thousand sharks or monkfish and cut magic logs back then if I wanted money. They might be in a similar boat to how I was back then. Passive money makers like herb runs and birdhouses while you: -hunt chins -Mlm -train combat through slayer -barrows. Once you get 70 Slayer, you can get Kurasks. This is slayerscape and one of the best ways to make gold is by just doing slayer forever. Edit: also 72 for Skeletal Wyverns. Alternatively, you could go for 99 WC. Magic logs in the Woodcutting guild are really good money. As you get more gp and can afford better gear, Zulrah becomes a reasonable option with those stats as well. If you want to skill, fishing and wood chop chop are good moneymakers. Runecraft double cosmics if you’re absolutely crazy. Good moneymaking method with 99 cooking is making raw summer pies. You can make pretty decent money that way.
Rules of the land
Submit a link Submit a text post Submit a game suggestion. No macroing ban appeals. For more information about account bans, click here. This is not the place to accuse players of wrongdoing. Report abuse in game and contact Jagex for serious issues. Feel like sharing? Please censor names wherever possible. Don’t post your streams. Click here to have your stream added to the sidebar. How do people make so much money in this game?! Question self. Anyone got any good money making methods? Hunter is good at 63 for catching red chinchompas and even better at 80 for black chins. It’s one of the better skilling money makers. High level slayer has been the skill to generate me the most profit imo. Everything else feels slow. I got my melee very high first to make it easier to level slayer, but most people like to level up their melee skills by doing slayer certain tasks. I’m currently doing smithing 94 , and the slow profit build is actually very good money. All I’m doing is running ores through Blast Furnace, selling the bars and buying more ores. I always tell people not to aim to make money. If you just play the game, money will just come to you.
Rules of the land
Welcome to my PVM for money guide! The guide will have a simple format: I will introduce the monster, list the requirements, list the recommended gear and cost plus cheaper alternatives and then give a brief overview of the strategy to get fast, efficient kills! Green dragons are found in the low wilderness, just north west of Edgeville, or at the Graveyard of Shadows.
They drop green dragonhide and dragon bones with every kill, making each dragon worth around 4, coins. Though the Wilderness is a risky place in terms of PKers, it also has the advantage of allowing you to use a Looting Bag to carry an extra 28 items, making a full inventory and looting bag worth over K!
Be sure to bring an Amulet of Glory, which allows the user to teleport to Edgeville where you will bank from level 30 wilderness — very useful to escape PKers. The Giant Mole is a large mole found under Falador Park, reached by using a spade on the large mound in the park. The Mole drops a mole claw and 2 mole skins for each kill, totaling around 13K per kill. Using a Dharok’s set you can achieve up to 50 kills moneu hour!
This gives around k per hour profit when including the value of other drops. The general strategy is to lower your hitpoints to 1HP using a Dwarven Rock Cake and then protect from melee — negating all damage from the mole and allowing you to quickly kill the mole. For Ironmen, this is a very efficient strategy to gain birds nests, as the claws and skin can be traded to Wyson the gardener in exchange for birds nests. It is one redrit the most popular methods and can be performed efficiently at nearly all levels!
Even with mid level gear it is possible to get around chests in an hour, with each one worth around 75k or 93k with the hard diary complete. Some pieces are worth up to 2 million coins, with an average of around k per piece, this is a very nice bonus when doing the Barrows runs and makes for a quite enjoyable method of making money!
They are the only monster in the game to drop the Zenyte Shard, used to make Zenyte jewellery, worth around 15M levell the time of writing! The Arclight is the best melee weapon to use and you should bring your highest DPS gear for both ranged and melee, thus your switches should be the ones which will give you the most DPS increase, ie Necklace of Anguish, Amulet of Torture.
You can also use void with a helmet switch if you are not on task for the extra DPS, though this also requires a significant grind at Pest Control.
Vorkath is one of the best solo bosses in OSRS for makinv consistent profits. Unfortunately it is locked behind some fairly high requirements as you need the Dragon Slayer II quest to be able to defeat Vorkath again for money.
Levsl general strategy for Vorkath is to use your best Ranged gear and protect from magic. Vorkath has several standard attacks and 2 special attacks which cycle on a pattern of 6 standard — levep special — 6 standard — 1 special The other standard attacks are all fairly simple but there are two you should watch out for when using range and protecting from mage:.
In order to makong efficient kills and make as much money per hour as possible you should follow the following tips:. Zulrah is a high leveled boss which requires high combat levels and fairly good gear to kill effectively. Each kill is worth around k giving a profit of around 4M per hour when performed efficiently. The basic strategy is as follows, though there is a better image below which details specific rotations:.
Zulrah also has a Jad-Phase where it osre continuously between Ranged and Magic attacks. If it spawns on the east side you should protect from Mage first, and if it spawns on the west side you should protect from Ranged. Then you should switch prayers every time she bows her head on each attack. Zulrah is a fairly easy boss to do once you get the hang of it, though this can take some time. You should check some YouTube videos for a more in depth guide. The Chambers of Xeric is a very high leveled area known as raids.
The requirements here are basically very high combat stats and very high leveled gear, though if you are in larger teams the gear requirements are a bit lower, and full void is a common loadout, with best in slot weapons, rings, boots, and amulets for each combat style.
Pioneered by Woox, solo raids is a way for all players, especially ironmen to complete the Chambers of Xeric by themselves. It requires very high stats and gear and a great deal of concentration and ability — though the reward is so great, since any unique drops aren’t split.
Woox has a video which describes greatly the process of solo raids, including every room, every boss, and tips and tricks for improving efficiency. Performing 2 solo raids an hour with max gear and stats can net you an average reddiy 7M GP per hour.
Thanks for reading the guide so far. I hope you have found a method which works for you. If none of these appeal to you I would highly recommend doing slayer, it is a very varied skill and is hard to get bored of, while most slayer monsters offer a lot of valuable drops.
Getting 99 Slayer will give near max combat stats and enough money and experience to get you stuck right into high leveled PvM! Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I love Slayer, that’s my favourite skill. I’m level now, There’s some leevel advice there, thankyou. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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Updated on July 26, Paul Laselle. Introduction Welcome to my PVM for money guide! Note the special attacks will alternate each time and are detailed below: Poison Pool Quickfire Barrage Here Vorkath will lean back and spit green acid pools into the air, landing on the ground shortly afterwards, you should turn leve, your run energy and walk back and forth on clean ground to avoid damage. You should keep moving or you can be hit for around 40 damage each tick If you stand on an acid pool you will take pmv and heal Vorkath for the same amount, so try to avoid these but its not the end of the world if you don’t Zombified Ice Dragonfire For this attack Vorkath will summon a zombified spawn and freeze you.
You must kill the spawn before it reaches you or you will be dealt up to 60 damage It is a guaranteed 1 hit kill if you use Crumble Undead The other standard attacks reddkt all fairly simple but there are two you should watch out for when using range and protecting from mage: The purple flames will disable your prayer If Vorkath fires a slow moving orange fireball into the air you should move 2 squares away or you will be killed in 1 hit Efficiency In order to get efficient kills and make as much money per hour as possible you should follow the following tips: If using the blowpipe and a BGS, if you fail to deal 64 damage with the BGS you should teleport out and repeat the kill If you have the construction level to build an Ornate Rejuvenation Pool in your house, you should teleport there, then teleport to the Lunar Isle using a portal in your POH, bank on the eastern banker, then use a different banker to be kicked off the island putting you right beside the boat to Vorkath.
The basic strategy is as follows, though there is a better image below which details specific rotations: When Zulrah is greenit attacks with Rangedand you should Protect from Missiles When Zulrah is turquoiseit attacks with Ranged and Magicand you should Protect from Magic When Zulrah is crimsonit attacks with melee at the players most recent spot, you should move several squares away every 2 attacks, you require no protection prayer Zulrah also has a Jad-Phase where it alternates continuously between Ranged and Magic attacks.
Finding a team can be hard so it is recommended to join a clan, or get some friends. An alternative for those more adept at PVM is solo raids.
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Green Dragons
Submit a link Submit a joney post Submit a game suggestion. No macroing ban appeals. For more information about account bans, click. This is not the place to accuse players osrs low level pvm money making reddit wrongdoing. Report abuse in monney and contact Jagex for serious issues. Feel like sharing? Please censor names wherever possible. Don’t post your streams. Click here to have your stream added to the sidebar. Any advice for p2p money making on a mid level account? I know this is asked constantly, but it is highly individualized. I’ve done almost all of the quests I can with my current levels if that helps. I’ve always been terrible. I think the most I’ve ever had in my bank account was a hair over 3m, and I’ve been playing since 05 or 06, granted on a few different accounts but. In case you didn’t know, the osrs wikia has quite a list of money making methods including the estimated profit and the requirements, you should check that out! Or five hundred quadrillion gp items.
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