Show less If you’ve loaned money to a friend, asking them to repay you may seem like an awkward proposition. However, when handled properly, monney can reclaim the money you loaned out without losing the friendship. If you want to ask a friend to pay you back for money you lent them, text or call them to set up a meeting in person. Consider telling them that the meeting will be about the money you lent them, so that they come prepared. Then, when you meet with them, remind them about the retrn and tell them why you need the money. Be mlney, and ask them when they can pay you. Make sure you make it clear the money was a loan, not a gift, and establish a firm date for repayment. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 21 references. Categories: Handling Friendship Problems Lending. Log in Mojey Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet?