In AugustEtsy announced that promoted listings would be retired and that sellers would be automatically switched over to their new advertising platform, Etsy Ads. Up until this point, Etsy utilized a popular program called promoted listingswhich allowed sellers to pay for specific listings to be shown higher in search results. Sellers would set a daily budget, set their maximum cost per click CPCand adjust campaigns as needed to reach and maintain profitability. Many Etsy sellers including myself were able to achieve and sustain profitable maknig campagins with promoted listingswhich ob a rare win-win scenario for Etsy and Etsy sellers. Etsy Ads is a new advertising platform for Etsy sellers that combines promoted listings with Google Shopping. The key objective of this new, consolidated platform is to maximize visits to listingsas you can see from this sith presented as part of their Not making any money on etsy with ads earnings presentation :. We believe that sellers want a single, simple solution with a single budget, where they tell us how much to spend and we invest that on nay behalf, on- and off-Etsy. In other words, they have more appetite to invest than we have inventory to offer. I believe some of these assertions from Etsy to be highly misleading. Low seller adoption of Google Shopping was driven by a confusing and intimidating process. Setting up a Google Shopping campaign was even easier to set up than promoted listings. The process included selecting a daily budget and listings to advertise, without being given an option to set a max cost per click. I would love to show you more data on my own Google Shopping ROI, however, I did not let my own campaigns run for more than a week or two, given the amount of money they lost me while in effect. Un-utilized promoted listings budgets are likely to be filled by google shopping utilization. Although Etsy never utilized my full daily budget, I set the budget at the maximum level so I could take advantage of every opening that was provided for my niche keywords.
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What is going on with Etsy Ads?! It seems every shop owner who has adopted early access is feeling adverse effects. But please read the below so you are informed and take necessary action to protect yourself. We are being patient and allowing Etsy Ads to prove itself in the next two weeks. If we do not see consistent orders as we have in the past, we will be turning them off. Etsy has made some interesting decisions over the past year. It feels they continue to focus on the bottomline versus having the interest of shop owners who I believe is the true customer base. Without the unique and talented collection of shops, Etsy is only another competitive marketplace like ebay or amazon. Please excuse the rant. If you have anything to add or if anything I’ve stated is incorrect, please do not hesitate to share! Thanks for the reminder. I have always had mine set at a very low budget. I am seeing some shops posting that their budget was shockingly high for what they were selling. So yep it will be an eye-opener for those shops for sure. I agree. Revenue is up for Sept. I’m not crazy about Etsy Ads especially because it is so much less transparent than PLs which were very very good to me during the time I used them. I am sad about losing access to the stats I had with PLs also. While I realize we eventually will have had no choice whether we made the switch or not, I was shocked to find so much less information for me as a shop owner when I did switch. The amount I spend per day hasn’t really changed without a correlating burst in sales today so my conversion rate might actually be improving, which is good. The downside is that I listed a BUNCH of new listings over the weekend and into today, and usually I will sell some new listings right away. Today I did, but crickets after new listings is concerning. I’m in a wait and see mode but darn it I am so sick of these Etsy ups and downs! I want to spend my energy anywhere else instead of worrying what they’re going to throw at us next. I still seem to be on the old advertising platform. I will keep an eye on this. The new Etsy ads intend to use your entire daily budget.
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It’s going to take me a few minutes to go through everything, but it looks like you will be transitioned to them if you don’t change your own PLs over within the next few days «by September». I was able to look at all time, yesterday etc. Note this only works if you aren’t running ads at all now. Please share these important points with other sellers on social media etc.
This sounds horrifying to me. Lately Google ads have been killing us and prices keep going up. Etsy ads aren’t so bad. I really spent a lot of time focusing on etsy over Amazon. I made a huge mistake with this update I am going to have to rethink how I use etsy. This is really really bad. Since your listings are now being advertised across two platforms, you can no longer customize your bids. Instead, you can adjust your daily budget and which listings you advertise. You’re still only charged for clicks on your ads, and the cost for clicks is determined by your bid amount. GoGoCutePuppy , I quite agree. I guess, I do not understand why they do not have the «data to optimize the bids». I mean, a lot of etsy sellers have spent a lot of money on both the etsy promoted listings as well as the google ad campaign. I find it outrageously hard to believe that they do not have that data? What have all the sellers been paying for??????? I do not like being schmoozed and this sounds like a real big schmooze. I will probably turn mine off as soon as they switch me. I may try it one or two days but I never had good luck with google ads as they cost way too much.
If you are a crafter, then you have no doubt heard of Etsy. With handmade items in every category imaginable, shoppers can find just about everything they want at Etsy. That was then, and this is. So let’s take a look at if you can still make money with Etsy, how much, and how it’s.
There are lots of stories of Etsy sellers that are doing well, selling thousands of products, but how can you know for sure? However, one way to tell is to simply visit random Etsy shops and check their sales numbers. If you are considering selling your own handmade items on Etsy, you should visit shops in the category you want to sell in. Each shop hosted on Etsy has information listed so buyers can learn about the shop and its owners, read reviews, and — more importantly — the number of sales the shop has acquired.
You can see that this shop was created inand has acquired three-hundred thirty-four sales since. Once you see how many sales they have, you can look at the price of all their items to come up with an average price. That should give you a pretty good idea how much money they are making. So, if you are curious about Etsy shops in a certain category, just find the best selling shops in that category, then look on the left side of their page for the information.
Thanks to CraftCounta website that pools information about Etsy sales, we are able to see many of the top selling shops on Etsy, according to country, category and date. You will notice a shop called BohemianFindings sits at the top of the list with more than one-thousand sales the previous day. This shop has more than four hundred pages of items listed to sell, so some items will be more, some will be.
Not bad! Don’t forget though, you still have to count things like cost of products to purchase, packing and shipping costs, plus labor. I highly doubt they’re selling over 2k items per day without a paid staff. The shop in tenth place for the day, MayaHoneyhad one-hundred sixty-five sales. Again, not bad.
ThreeBirdNest is an Etsy shop that has received lots of coverage online, and in traditional media. After reading this far you are probably ready go all in with Etsy, but let me explain why that is probably a bad idea.
The first thing you should consider is that all three shops we featured above were not instant successes. They all started at roughly the same time. They had to work for years before they saw any success at all. This is true for most businesses, but just I just mean to temper expectations. In fact, Alicia, owner of ThreeBirdsNest, claimed to have only made ninety sales in her first couple years on Etsy.
With almost one-million shops on Etsy, competition is fierce, and certainly not ideal for anyone hoping to jump in and make a lot of money right away. Storing items can be a real pain.
Most handmade goods require an extensive amount of care. Do that, and you could lose your entire inventory, and all your hard work was for. Packaging and shipping items costs money and takes time. When most new businesses start to grow, they usually find that this is their bottleneck.
With the help of the internet, and places like stamps. It’s still time consuming though, and cannot be ignored! You can jump into the crafts market, and make lots of money without actually making. There is a real difference between making a few cool items and shipping them to happy customers for pocket money, and creating a full time business shipping thousands of hand-made crafts every month.
After creating, packing and storing your items, you still have to find time and money to market your business. Etsy does not do this for you. An Etsy shop is part of a marketplace that may or may not come up in the searches shoppers perform while inside Etsy.
Things like photos, product description, and customer service will all affect sales and play into how well your business does. If you have read this far then you probably went to Etsy to check out some of the shops mentioned in this post.
If she did remove the store from Etsy, she must have had a very good reason, given the success she had. Whether Alicia pulled the store down herself or not, Etsy still made a statement saying they were the ones to remove. Why does this matter? Imagine building a successful business that was stripped out from under suddenly.
Not a good feeling. Unfortunately it happens all the time with sites like Etsy, Facebook, YouTube and countless. People — even your competition — can put you out of business with a few simple complaints. This is probably the biggest reason to avoid building a business that relies on a marketplace controlled by a third party. ThreeBirdNest owner, Alicia, says she left Etsy because of issues regarding the satisfaction of her customers.
She says they were treated poorly by Etsy support staff, shipped items that were both, late and damaged. Alicia, like every other Etsy shop owner, does not control the customer experience.
When you sell on sites like Etsy, they maintain control over everything, including customer contact information and payment details. Rupert Murdoch disagreed, and wanted to collect and keep the information of customers he believed belonged to his company. This power struggle — not over money, but over over payment and contact details — highlights how important this information is to a business. For him, money was not the problem.
Two numbers — credit card and phone — put two of the world’s most powerful businessmen in stalemate for more than a year. Being a business owner online or offline means making smart decisions. I urge you to avoid that trap.
Make smart decisions that will pay off in the future. You can open an Etsy shop while also running your business on your own website. It should not be the only thing you. While Etsy boasts being home to more thanshops, it is rumored that only half of them are active. To be active in Etsy requires selling at least one item within the last twelve months.
You can start as affiliate and sell crafts from Etsy, Amazon, or any other retailer. You could do the same thing. Being an affiliate is the best way to make money online in my opinion. It’s cheap to start which means low financial risk.
There’s no inventory to store, no items to ship, and you have the freedom to grow your business at your own pace. I started back inand now I do it full time. What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I started my first online business in promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my 1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!
Hey quick question! When sales are made through an Etsy affiliate link, does the Etsy seller lose money? Or does the pricing for customer and Etsy-seller remain the same, and only the commission is added by the Affiliate program?
And your information made a lot of. Hello, I have a t- shirt ,vinyl banner, and pad printing promotional product business. I have flipped the switch to go live on the internet. What do you recommend for me as I still have a 9- 5 job. I recommend that you start an online business as recommended in the article. Hello Nataniell!!!!! Thanks for all information about Etsy shop.
I am right now doing all the mistakes mentioned in your article! Going ASAP finish my website and start your training course. Your email address will not be published. Share Tweet. Nathaniell What’s up ladies and dudes! Comments Hey quick question! I appreciate the help! Tks again SorayaV. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
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How to Make Money on Etsy
Initially I completely rejected the new ads and decided I was not going to use it. But realized since I had temporarily stopped using the promoted listing I was forced to the new. The old system wifh become ineffective in the last few weeks. Very strange they kind of stopped working and my conversion rates dropped as if my ads were just getting clicked to use up my budget. Never came close to the budget being used even when had the max turned on lately. When I changed my mind yesterday and decided to use the New Ads my budget was I was scared to use the entire budget under the new system you can not see how much you are spending daily. They are suggesting oh wait a month. Now I noticed that when I use google the visibility of Etsy ads is almost gone. So now we are paying to advertise Etsy without know what is exactly going on. That is just crazy. The search is crazy at times, instead of fixing the search. Etsy randomly changes things that are not broken, like fonts, changing the appearance of things, colors. Shady Etsy. Because I did not trust Etsy with previous max budget it gotten taken. I am confused as to why Etsy is trying become Amazon and get its sellers to start hating .
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