Of course eWaste is short for electronic waste. How many old electronic devices do you have sitting around the domputers just taking up space? Most everybody has old computers, monitors, cell phones, digital cameras, phones, and other electronics sitting around the house just taking up space. So redycling have to go to the trouble of finding an electronics recycler to take your eWaste off your hands. After that, you can target businesses, schools, and any other organization that might have dozens of old unused devices sitting in storage. You could literally load a truck with the number of unused devices you could get access to without having to pay. Of course, most of these people would be happy just to get the junk out of their house! Some of these parts, like circuit boardscomputer chips, and computer cases can be sold on sites such as EBay, Craigslist, Amazon, making money from recycling computers. As for plastic and metal scrap, you can take those to your local recycler and get paid by mojey pound. Here’s a great video showing the variety of electronic parts that can be recycled for cash:. Some electronic parts have valuable metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and others that you can remove and send to a refiner for processing. Many parts are manufactured with solid gold or gold plated connector pins that can be detached from the part and sent to a precious metals refiner. Overall, there are several ways you can get access to old electronics for recycling. Some are easier and more profitable!
More Money Hacks
You should never just throw an old electronic device in the trash. Instead, sell your old devices for cash or donate them to a good cause. January 10, Christmastime has come and passed, and chances are you’ve got some new gadgets to show for it. They might be totally junky or still in good shape, but no matter what, you should never just throw an old electronic device in the trash. Here are six ways to go about it:. Many retailers offer trade-in programs that give you cash for your old devices. Just bring them in, and you’ll get a quote that you can put towards the purchase of something new at GameStop, put on a gift card, or carry out in cash. There are pros and cons to each of these sites: Craigslist is hyper-local and may require you to meet face-to-face with prospective buyers, while eBay and Amazon are global but take a portion of your profits and can be complicated to navigate. If you can’t decide between the two, you don’t have to. We recommend posting your items on both sites and selling it to your best offer. Even older, worn out items can fetch you a pretty penny. That 6-year-old white Macbook with a cracked case and a dead hard drive probably still has valuable parts inside. The value of a used item varies greatly depending on condition, age, and current market price, but it is usually worth investigating. If you want to get the maximum value, you will always do best by selling yourself. Need help? After they receive your item, they evaluate it and send payment. Even if your item has no selling value, you may be able to get a mail-in label to recycle it. Or that many schools, churches and non-profits are in dire need of well-kept up tablets, laptops and desktops? Most electronics retailers offer free recycling services for electronics that aren’t safe to toss in a landfill. There are also recycling kiosks inside every Best Buy store where you can drop off old batteries, ink and toner cartridges, wires, cords and cables. You don’t want to be paying monthly fees for something you’re not using, so make sure you cancel any subscriptions or services you don’t need on your new devices. If you’re planning on re-selling or donating your old devices, it’s important you take some time to retrieve any important stuff, like photos, passwords, contacts and music, that you want to keep.
Make Money Recycling Old Electronics
Find tips and strategies to reclaim hidden profits from your precious metal scrap. Those are good questions. Plus, those older machines usually had modems, hard drives and other peripheral devices installed that contained even more gold. But you can still make a significant amount of money recycling computers — both old desktops and newer laptops too. Here are some of the reasons why. Your first step is to call Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners. Our precious metal recycling consultants can explain how many computers you need to obtain, how to process them before sending them to be processed, and other information you need to get your start making money by recycling computers. We process gold, silver, platinum, palladium and rhodium from jewelry scrap, electronic scrap, catalytic converters, platinum thermocouple wire and more. Clark St. It is still possible to find big batches of old laptops. They can sometimes be found in storerooms at schools, businesses, and hospitals. They are also being thrown into electronics collection areas at town recycling centers.
What is eWaste?
Nearly everyone in the modern world has access to computers and other electronic devices. You likely have to replace your home PC or laptop every couple of years or so. What do you do with your old PC when you replace it with a new one?
Instead, consider one of the available options for recycling computers and other electronic items for cash. Instead of paying someone else to take your old computer or other electronic device, consider one of these ways to make money by recycling your old PC or other old computers you can get through other avenues such as the ones listed.
Tip: Want a makiny and convenient way to sell your old electronics, check out Decluttr which is a reputable site with a 4. Many times, computers that no longer function are in need of a simple and inexpensive replacement part or a good cleaning. A few years ago, when our personal computer started to get really slow, we simply brought it recyclibg the junk yard and bought a new one.
When our new one started to get really dragged down, however, we brought it to a computer repair shop. They spent a couple of hours cleaning it up and it ran good as new.
The repair shop had a store full of other computers that people no longer wanted. They repaired or cleaned up those computers and had them for sale on their store shelves for a discounted recyclijg.
If you know a makiny about computers you can do the same thing. Find old computers or electronic devices. Clean them out, replace any non-working parts and resell them online through a site such as Craigslist, or another alternativeor advertise your available stock to family and friends. Refurbished PCs and laptops are good sellers computera they sell for a fraction of what they did at retail. If you know how to repair and refurbish used computers this could be a great makign of side hustle income for you.
Building a new computer is easier than you think with a little research and can be a great way to make cash from discarded PCs or laptops. Many people look to save money on computers by building their own computers with a variety of different parts they can purchase.
You can then list those parts for individual sale on sites like EBaywhere tech savvy consumers are searching for hardware and other internal parts they can use to repair their existing computers or build new ones to keep or sell to.
As with recycled aluminum cans and other metals, there recyclig many local scrap yards that will pay you for certain electronic items and parts you bring in to their shops. Several stores and websites will allow you to trade in old computers, laptops and other electronic devices in exchange for cash payments or store gift cards. This can be a makinv way to make money recycling computers. Here are some of the most popular trade-in stores and sites people use to make money by recycling electronics.
When Gazelle accepts your recycled computers, they pay you in the form of an Amazon gift card, via PayPal or via check. Nextworth is an independent recycler that allows you to trade in old laptop computers and other items for cash. When you go to their site, you follow the directions for sending in an item.
Like Gazelle, Nextworth will then mail you a free prepaid shipping label. When your computer or other device arrives at their warehouse, they inspect your computer, determine its value and send you a personal check in the mail or pay you via PayPal; whichever you wish. Amazon has a trade-in program that allows consumers to send in their old personal computers, laptops, tablets, cellphones, video game consoles and. They also have a search engine that shows you what noney items are getting back for trade-in, which can be a good way to know what you can expect to get paid before you send your item in.
Target and Best Buy stores have programs similar to the Amazon program. Best Buy allows you to trade in personal computers, laptops and a variety of other products just like Amazon does, and they pay you in the form of a Best Buy gift card.
Target currently only accepts tablets and phones for trade-in, and they pay you in the form of a Target gift card which can be used to purchase groceries, clothing or any other of the many items that Target sells. This Target webpage will help you find out which stores participate in their electronics recycling program.
Recycling aluminum cans, recycling wood palletsand recycling electronics parts are all becoming viable ways to own and run a serious business as making money from recycling computers and more people and organizations realize the importance of protecting our environment from overflowing landfills by finding ways to reduce, reuse and recycle the items that we buy.
It will also give you access to free computers and other electronics that you can trade in to different organizations for cash or refurbish and resell as a profitable side hustle business. Filed Feom Make Money. We are a company looking to purchase used and scrap laptops and also phones. If I may ask, did your company ship internationally?
Again, do you accept company cards as payment methods? Please kindly get back to us. I hope to hear from you soon. Gazelle does take Mac desktop computers.
Nextworth used to take laptops, which is what the post says. I have bits and pieces of printers and wires and cords. Is there a place to sell or recycle them in Whangarie, Northland?
If I were you, I would do an internet search in my area ffrom ask other friends or businesses. That may give you some places to start. Good luck! They pay you, and you get a free shipping label. I just found it and we will see how it goes. Good luck, everyone: cashforelectronicscrapusa. Thanks for mentioning it. If you get a chance, add another comment if you use them and let us know how everything came out! I like reading through a post that can make men and women think. Also, many thanks for allowing for me to comment!
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Repair and Resell Computers 2. Sell Individual Parts from Computers 3. She has been writing about personal finance topics for over six years. This is a great article. Thanks Micheal Brian. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Want access to new content first? First Name. Email Address.
They might be totally junky or still in good shape, but no matter what, you should never just throw an old electronic device in the trash. Here are six ways to go about it:. Many retailers offer trade-in programs that give you cash for your old devices. Another retailer offering cash for trade-ins is GameStopwhich will take everything from old video games and consoles to smartphones and tablets. Just bring them in, and you’ll get a quote that you can put toward the purchase of something new at GameStop, put on a gift card, or carry out in cash. For other options to trade items back to the original manufacturer, check out this list provided by the EPA. There are pros and cons to each of these sites: Craigslist is hyper-local and may require you to meet face-to-face with prospective buyers, while eBay and Amazon are global but take a portion of your profits and can be complicated to navigate. If you can’t decide between the two, you don’t have to. We recommend posting your items on both sites and selling it to your best offer. Even older, worn out items can fetch you a pretty penny. That nine-year-old white MacBook with a cracked case and a dead hard drive probably still has valuable parts inside. The value of a used item varies greatly depending on condition, age, and current market price, but it is usually worth investigating. If you want to get the maximum value, you will always do best by selling it. Searching the eBay «completed listings» for similar items will give you a good idea of the current market price. Need help? For some, easy, risk-free selling outweighs the need to get the absolute best price, and for those, the best option is a direct-buy used electronics site. After they receive your item, they evaluate it and send payment. Or that many schools, churches and non-profits are in dire need of well-kept up tablets, laptops and desktops? Most electronics retailers offer free recycling services for electronics that aren’t safe to toss in a landfill. There are also recycling kiosks inside every Best Buy store where you can drop off old batteries, ink and toner cartridges, wires, cords and cables.
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