This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Learn more Got it! Home Thesaurus broke. Modifier indebted. Owing money, goods, or services to someone; in debt. Morally or socially obligated to the word for making enough money beholden. Go to » indebted » definitions. Go to » out of money » definitions. A person, business, or organization legally declared insolvent because of inability to pay debts. A person who is totally lacking in a specified resource or quality: Having been legally declared insolvent. Go to » bankrupt » definitions. See also: ruined insolvent. Idioms: go broke be reduced to poverty lose everything become bankrupt become penniless. All rights reserved.
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. I would say, «I have been lacking in funds lately. Since people generally do not like to admit they are broke, they usually minimize the problem, saying, for instance, «I can’t afford x», where x is the direct object. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Asked 4 years, 3 months ago. Active 3 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 13k times. Is there any phrase or idiom meaning ‘I don’t have enough money nowadays’? I just want to know sentences which are used in everyday life. Mari-Lou A My finances are on the rocks just now. I am going to run out of money.
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American to get income such as a pension and a salary from two different places at the same time, usually illegally. American informal to get money from someone by threatening them. English version of thesaurus of to earn or to get money. Free thesaurus definition of to earn or to get money from the Macmillan English Dictionary — a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. Using the thesaurus. Explore other meanings.
Sentence Examples
He could make money by solving the secret for a troubled soul. All the people who had tried to make money and had not been able to do it, said, There you were! He was old; he had no money and no way to make money; he could find nothing to do. If this means that the poet is not to make money his object, it means well: no man should. I desire to make money for reasons that are not entirely selfish, as you know. It does not make money an idol, but regards it as a useful agent. You can see for yourself, then, whether it is anything by means of which you can make money. I told him he’d make money if he could get somebody to take the bet. A mint is where they make money and I certainly do not make time. Xerox act like affect ape assume bluff carbon cheat circulate bad money clone coin copy defraud delude ditto do do like dupe fabricate fake feign forge go like imitate impersonate knock off make like make money mimeo mimic mint phony phony up pretend put on sham simulate stat.
Words that mention broke in the Dictionary
But really, none of us working in physics is no absorbed in the world, we’re just interested in our own individual careers, make enough money to buy our very own houses, cars. I couldn’t make enough money playing jazz, so I had wprd open up the health-food place. You won’t make enough money by selling knives. F and I really hope I make enough money so I can afford one of your paintings. But my goal was always to make enough money to do the things I really like.
Plan is, make enough money to buy some land in Kauai and live there in luxury. Well, this job was supposed to be temporary. The plan was to make enough money to get to Paris and paint. Randall has worked his whole life to become a successful artist I made enough money tonight to buy us some beers. Made enough money by the looks of it. I made enough money mking pay back the legitimate shareholders, with plenty the word for making enough money over for us to start a life.
Rusty ended up making enough money off the spelling-bee to move out of our house and and into the Orson homes. Ching, what’s your plan after you’ve made enough money? Soon as you make enough money from your job. Probably make enough money to roll it into another one. I can’t wait to make enough money and get out of Bear Valley for good.
Make enough money, everything else will follow. Plus she even made enough money to buy herself a whole new wardrobe that included French lingerie. The family was only paying me for travel and food, so I wasn’t make enough money and, you know, had to call it quits.
We made enough money to save Shirley’s. Yeah, but if we make enough money selling coffee, maybe we could hire better representation. I made enough money to buy wprd here studio.
If they make enough money, it’s gonna build you a new church. Sometimes at the square if I’ve made enough money and it’s early, around 1. Hopefully I’ll make enough money for them to join me. You know, I’ll figure out a way to make enough money.
Your guy make enough money off of you to retire? I want you to promise me that when you’ve made makimg money you’ll buy a ticket and go back home, where you belong. My goal is to make enough money to buy this house we saw.
And then,gentlemen,I will make enough money to fill this briefcase. Edmund, I’ll have made enough money to set you up. Well, if he wins today, then, uh, he makes enough money to pay off all his debts. It’s a long way from London, but I’ve made enough money to please myself, these days. I sold that bucket and made enough money to buy thd. You can’t make enough money there anyway to send to your husband I just took this job ten years ago so I could make enough money to marry my Mexican girl, Julietta and I been workin’ hard at it ever.
I’m just trying to make enough money so I can get out of mkaing. Trying to make enough money to feed his kid. I just wanted makinh bake bread and make enough money to marry my girl. Make enough money from seed for farming equipment, then I’II put all our land under cultivation and make Brentwood hall seIf-sustaining. You make enough money,you can pay people to look at you naked. You don’t make enough money in this lark without doing a a few extras.
We’ll be doing the guy a favor and making enough money to save the orphanage. I make enough money to look after a family. Um, some days I make enough money off of what people give me, and sometimes I got to get a little more But my point is a cab driver doesn’t make enough money I hope you make enough money for a living. We were when I was making enough money to take care of my family. Jane, you make enough money to eat food that didn’t expire in We’re not making enough money.
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