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Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Showing 1 — 15 of 19 comments. Craftian View Profile View Posts. Sell loot, do repetitive contract missions or, if you’re really desperate, use console commands. Last edited by Craftian ; 8 Mar, pm. Originally posted by Craftian :. Cheated too much last playthrough. Originally posted by Famix the Zetan :. Why not just fix it yourself with a repair hammer? Some quests earn septims upon completion. Originally posted by The Rock God :. Dexter View Profile View Posts. The fastest way to make money in Oblivion is to go raid these locations: Dzonot Cave: At the bottom of the hill at the Imperial City stables near the water. Rock Milk Cave. North of Leyawiin, near Borderwatch. Each of those locations has a Ring Leader Boss, who have a random leveled enchanted weapon and several pieces of enchanted armor. Chances are you will find a replacement weapon and armor that is better than what you have now. You can farm these areas every 3 game days when the cells reset, so you can improve your equipment and sell what you don’t need. The Ring Leaders are leveled, so they will always have good gear for you to use or sell at all levels. You may need to be at least level 3 for them to start having enchanted items.
How to easily block melee attacks, close Oblivion gates, and more
Making money is an important aspect of gameplay. Whether you are a novice adventurer in need of training and supplies , a seasoned adventurer looking for a new house , planning on enchanting items , or creating your own spells , a stable source of income is essential. The amount of money you can make is unlimited and you can make it fairly quickly, so do not be miserly! Spend your money freely to get the items you want or need. There are Infinite Money Glitches in unpatched versions of the game, but with the tips below, you may decide they are more trouble than they are worth. By far, the most common method of earning gold is to collect items of value to sell to merchants. The most straightforward way to increase your earnings is to take advantage of Feather or Fortify Strength effects spells, potions, or enchantments to maximize the weight that you can carry. Eventually though, you are going to get over-encumbered and you will be forced to start dropping items and leaving even more behind. This is when an item’s value ratio becomes important. In order to determine what to keep and what to drop or leave behind, you must calculate an item’s value ratio using this formula:. Using this ratio you can easily determine which items to leave and which to take back and sell. For every unit of weight you carry to a vendor to sell, you want to get the most gold possible for it, so the higher the item’s ratio, the better. Example: You are over-encumbered and must choose between an Iron Cuirass worth 30 gold that weighs 20 units or a Leather Cuirass worth 15 gold that weighs 5 units. Use the formula to determine which should be discarded. The iron cuirass’ value ratio is less half, in fact , so you should certainly drop it in favor of the leather cuirass. Now you have room for more valuable treasure and will make more money on this loot run. This is just an example. If you are over-encumbered, it’s probably time to calculate the value ratio of all the items in your inventory and drop the ones with lower ratios to maximize your income. Your acceptable value ratio will shift over time, as better and more valuable items become more common, and when you are better equipped and able to handle more difficult enemies. For example, you might have a ratio at the start of the game, moving to shortly afterwards, and not long after. Dungeon diving is the most common and most profitable method of making money, but it’s also one of the most dangerous. It’s pretty much what it sounds like—diving into one of the many dungeons of Cyrodiil , killing the inhabitants, and looting their bodies and raiding their treasure chests in search of loot. Most dungeons contain a boss chest that tends to hold particularly high-quality loot. Respawning is an important feature of the game but it also has downsides. Enemies that you have killed and any loot on their corpses will disappear and be replaced by living creatures, so if you managed to kill a powerful enemy that held valuable loot, you must remove the loot. If you are over-encumbered, be sure to return to the area in less than hours or your loot will be gone and you will have to fight them again! In some dungeons like Rockmilk Cave there is so much loot that you can return several times to find more items to sell to merchants. The hour timeout will reset each time you enter. Items that you yourself have dropped will never disappear during this respawning process, so a good hint is to always pick things up you may want to carry later and drop them again on the ground.
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All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. Asked in Video Games. What is an easy way to get money in oblivion on PS3? There is no way of storing your money on oblivion. No, currently there is now way to add unofficial mods for the ps3 mony versions of the game.
Once you have the materiels, you should do the duplication glitch. If you need a easy way to get gold ask the question and I will answer. Asked in Sony Playstation 3 What is an easy way to get online for ps3? Sadly, no. There i no way to drops coins in oblivon.
If you are trying to duplicate it you can’t. Use the duplication glitch on an expensive item. Then you can sell them all. What is an easy way to make Money for School? The easiest way to make money is to find mmoney job. Another easy way is to do oblivvion jobs around your neighborhood or city. Asked in RuneScape What is the Easy and fast way to earn money?
An easy way to make money and level up easy is to fish then cut down a tree and then cook the fish then sell the fish in GE. Asked in Sports How can get easy way to earn money in online? Sports betting are a very easy way to earn money. Babysittings an yo way to make money quickly. Asked in Video Games Whats better a ps3 or a xbox ? Obliviob should buy the ps3 with the least space then upgrade to gb it isn’t very oblovion, you will save a lot of money that way.
Only simple easy way is to get an coin amulet an fight trainers. Asked in Need for Speed How do you get easy money on need for speed undercover? There is no way the only way is to do rival challenge. The best way to earn money is puffle roundup.
Getting a pd3, full-time job is the most obkivion way of obtaining money. Asked in Midnight Club How do you get a lot of money in midnight club 3? The Easy Way Trending Questions.
Oblivion Infinite Level Up Glitch
It first released on Windows PC and Xbox in A PlayStation 3 port followed in Set in a fictional land called Cyrodiil, its main story pits the player against a cult that wants to open portals to a hellish dimension called Wxy. If you’re looking for help with the game, try the following tips and hints. This guide is specifically for the PC and Xbox versions of the game. Feeling kinda frightened by the big melee warrior coming moneg you? Find ho rocks if you can get outside or another object and jump onto it. Then, stand there and hurl fireballs best way to make money in oblivion ps3 shoot arrows at the poor foe, who’ll be unable to defend. When you want to carry a lot of weaponsarmors, potions, or miscellaneous items, but you don’t want these items in your inventory, get the indestructible horse Shadowmere from the Dark Brotherhood. Beat it down until it’s unconscious. Mooney, before it gets back up, go to it and search the body like you would with normal enemies. Usually, an unconscious character only provides you with a Talk option while it’s on the ground.
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