Some suppliers take the risk and itwms salvaged merchandise by the truckload. They then break up each truckload and sell the merchandise to you a pallet at a time. As you know, the world is full of e-mail scammers and multilevel marketers who are in business to take your money. Carefully research whomever you choose to buy. Use an Internet search engine and search for the words salvage, liquidation, and pallet merchandise. Some liquidation sellers sell their merchandise in the same condition that it ships in to their location, so what you get makjng a crapshoot.
Finding Pallets
Latest Issue. Past Issues. With a couple hundred dollars and a few minutes, you could go to a liquidation website right now and buy a pallet full of stuff that people have returned to Amazon. It will have, perhaps, been lightly sorted by product category—home decor, outdoor, apparel—but this is mostly aspirational. Every box is a core sample drilled through the digital crust of platform capitalism. Most likely, never will this precise box of shit ever exist again in the world. On liquidation. If it sounds crazy to sell products at massive discounts, consider that goods sitting in a warehouse are a cost.
The Atlantic Crossword
Not only do you help the pallets stay out of the landfill, but the business is easy to manage as either a full or part-time endeavor. Your first requirement is a truck or other vehicle with room to transport pallets. You may want to build walls on the side of your vehicle to transport more pallets each time and save on the cost of gas bw repeat trips.
You also need plenty of space to repair and stack the pallets in preparation for selling. Ask warehouse managers or business owners at local stores and factories that receive supplies or products on wood pallets if you can remove the old pallets free of charge.
In addition, check cam ads in your local paper and on Craigslist to find free pallets businesses want removed. Determine a schedule for removing the pallets based on the needs of the business, such as how often they get shipments of merchandise or can money be made by making pallet items. Organize your pallets according to length and thickness to quickly fill orders based on the size specific business want to buy. Some of the pallets you pick up may have missing or damaged mqking of wood, so tear off the old piece and replace it with spares you collect.
Another option is to tear down the pallets into single pieces of flat, solid wood to sell as lumber for furniture or construction projects. Or, break damaged pallets into small bundles for use as kindling, as long as the pallets were not used to transport chemicals. Contact local manufacturers that need pallets on which to ship their goods.
Mention the benefits of buying from you, such as the lower cost of buying used versus new pallets. If you live near a pallet manufacturer, find out if they buy used pallets in good condition. Advertise piles of single pieces of pallet wood to people who want the lumber for home improvement, landscaping or woodworking projects. Sell bundles of kindling to places that sell firewood, such as convenience and grocery stores. Nancy Wagner is a marketing strategist and speaker who started writing in She writes business plans for startups and established companies and teaches marketing and promotional pallett at local workshops.
She holds a B. Skip to main content. Getting Started Your first requirement is a truck or other vehicle with room to transport pallets. Finding Pallets Ask warehouse managers or business owners at local stores and factories that receive supplies makihg products on wood pallets if you can remove the old pallets free of charge. Prepping to Sell Organize your pallets according to length and thickness to quickly fill orders based on the size specific business want to buy. Find Buyers Contact local manufacturers that need pallets on which to ship their goods.
About the Author Nancy Wagner is a marketing strategist and speaker who started writing in Accessed 20 January Wagner, Nancy. Small Business — Chron. Note: Depending on which text editor you’re pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site .
Getting Started
Today: 7 listings on Craigslist for Free- Wood Pallets : 57 pallets were listed and 2 other listings stated: come back, we have endless supply. This got me thinking, you could make money with very little investment time mmade gasare creative, to either resell or broker pallets, or make items for resell with free wooden pallets. I am amazed how many people give away wood pallets. Most businesses that order larger quantities will have pallets, plus what is madf on craigslist and other sources. I Just Gotta Tell Ya. Make a Table. Make A Deck :. Planters in the Garden, Raised Beds. Animal Penscages maiing enclosures. Pallet Bench. Compost Bins. Mailboxes Jacks Backyard. Chicken Tractor. The best place ihems in which many people list pallets, or large companies, grocery stores that receive products on pallets. Hi Guys. I am interested in the best way for me to get rid of a lot of odd size pallets that are at my job site in Norcross, Ga. In the range of or .
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