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How to make money reading tarot cards online

how to make money reading tarot cards online

Phuture is a platform for digital divination that is accessible, for free, to beginners and professionals alike. It’s primary goal has always been to make freely available tools and knowledge that western society has historically subverted and, more recently, attempted to exploit online by those with no real interest in divination other than as a commercial opportunity. As a personal belief and spiritual practice, the divinatory arts deserve to be treated with the same respect as any other religion, or personal belief. Phuture sells a high value reading service and not a low priced, mass product, like the vast majority of other websites and apps. We therefore maintain a very high standard in our consultants team, keeping readinf exclusive and challenging to join. When experienced, and gifted, counseling is sought Phuture provides a eco-system where the practicing professional can claim the significant portion of the fees paid for their time spent on their clients. If you have attempted to go your own website you will appreciate the time and money involved in developing, maintaining and marketing an online presence.

Wheel of Fortune

I’m a professional tarot reader with 20 years of experience. For me, tarot is a fascinating system that reflects all human life. Let me be open and honest right up front — not everyone can make money reading tarot cards. There are some non-negotiable qualities that every tarot reader must have or acquire. If you have these necessary qualities and are prepared to invest your time, you will be able to carve out a rewarding career reading tarot for profit. A tarot reading can be many things. It can clarify, advise, comfort, reassure, give a heads-up, inspire, offer a warning, instill confidence, point out options, explore spiritual beliefs, explain complex situations, illuminate motivation, tell you what you need to know, prepare you for the best… and the worst. Tarot readings can also scare people silly, put unwanted thoughts in their heads, exploit their fears and be a totally negative experience. A tarot reading usually takes place in person, though not always. The reader sits with his or her client and lays down a certain number of cards in a certain pattern. The reader then explains the cards and offers their interpretation to the client. Hopefully, the client is happy and satisfied so they pay up and leave.

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Have you ever wondered how you can make money reading Tarot? It was a fun way to earn money doing something I loved! And it’s easier than you think. You can start earning an income reading Tarot for others in no time. Before you even think about accepting payment for your Tarot readings, make sure that you learn the basics of reading Tarot and are confident in your skills and abilities. You’ll know you’re ready to start charging for your Tarot readings when you know the meanings of the cards without looking them up in a book, you’re comfortable with a few different Tarot spreads , you’ve practiced giving free readings to people you don’t know and you’ve been receiving positive feedback and nudges from the Universe. But not so high that you feel a huge weight of pressure from your clients, as you get started. Know that you can increase your prices as you go. In fact, I recommend that you set a date for when you will raise your rates and stick to it. That way, you won’t be put off by any feelings of self-doubt or lack of confidence! As soon as you find your first client, you want to make sure it’s easy for them to pay. So, before you take the next step, find a way for clients to pay for your readings. Be sure to read the terms and conditions for any payment processor as some such as Stripe will not accept payments for psychic readings and you could have your account and payments cancelled with no notice. Before you start accepting payment, make sure you have checked your local legal and tax obligations. In some situations, you may be required to declare your earnings for tax purposes. Or, you may be required to get a permit for reading Tarot in your local area. Do your research so you don’t get caught out! Now you’re set up and ready to go, it’s time to get the word out. Start by letting your friends and family know that you’re offering paid Tarot readings. They may want to take you up on your new services, or they may be able to refer you to a friend or colleague of theirs who would be a good fit. If the idea of telling your friends and family that you’re into Tarot is freaking you out, then hand pick a few of your trusted friends instead and ask them to spread the word to the right people. Everyone loves a special offer! Rather than offering a discount which takes away from the value of your Tarot reading , offer a bonus or a package deal. For example, for the first 10 people to book a reading with you, offer a free guided visualisation or a customised ritual they can do based on the reading.

Explore the tarot with troi

I’m a professional tarot reader with 20 years of experience. For me, tarot is a fascinating system that reflects all human life. Let me be open and honest right up front — not everyone can make money reading tarot cards. There are some non-negotiable qualities that every tarot reader must have or acquire. If you have these necessary qualities and are prepared to invest your time, you will mkney able to carve out a rewarding career reading tarot for profit.

Caards tarot reading can be many things. It can mkae, advise, comfort, reassure, give a heads-up, inspire, offer a warning, instill confidence, point out options, explore spiritual beliefs, explain complex situations, illuminate motivation, tell you what you need to know, prepare you for the best… and the worst. Tarot readings can also scare people silly, put unwanted thoughts in their heads, exploit their fears and be a totally negative experience.

A tarot reading usually takes place in person, though not. The reader sits with his or her client and lays nake a certain number of cards in a certain pattern. The reader then explains the cards and offers their interpretation to the client. Hopefully, the client is happy and satisfied so they pay up and leave.

If they were impressed and found the experience useful, they will return for another reading in due course. If they were really, really impressed, they will extol your virtues to their friends and family. You need good, if not moneh, communication skills. This is really important. You rdading to be aware of how your client is feeling. You have to be able to handle emotional reactions calmly but with empathy. Some clients are overcome by the sheer experience of having someone listen to.

Tarot reading is yow much about counseling as anything. Sometimes you can make suggestions based on your own experience, sometimes you have to let them go forth and make the same mistake over and.

All you can do is read the cards, and do your best. Knowledge of your tools is ultra important. You have 78 of them and you should know them, understand them and be familiar with each and every card.

You caards be one of those people who can open a pack of cards for nake first time and give an accurate intuitive or psychic reading right off the bat. Every reader must set his or her boundaries. A Code of ,oney is essential and should be displayed on your website or at your place of reading. For example, mine says that I will not knowingly read for anyone under the age of 18 except in exceptional circumstances. I will never offer medical advice for which I am not qualified.

You can devise your. Note that some states how to make money reading tarot cards online countries ban any kind of fortune koney activity. I like to leave the client with the feeling that she crds gained insight and knowledge for a reasonable fee.

Again, you will have to research your locality or have a look at what other people are charging online. It is not necessary to have formal qualifications for reading tarot cards. However, if you complete a course and obtain a certificate from a reputable organization, so much the better. Also catds about a general counseling qualification, which will help you a lot in your work. The author has been a professional tarot reader since Using her tarot name, Troi, she runs a successful website at tarot-study.

Currently she writes tarot articles for several websites. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

I tried telephone readings, but it’s too time-consuming, and the pay is lousy. Do you have any advice on websites or blogs where I can get clients? Why not do Facebook readings? Reach out to some groups on Facebook that give readings. You could do what I do and offer fast, free, harot readings and, if you are good, they will order paid reafing ones.

That’s a good one. Tarot readers get asked this all the time. It’s as if asking that very question might cause them to win. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. To Betty, sorry I couldn’t approve your comment as you have included personal contact information as well as the full name of someone.

I’m afraid I’m not doing personal readings at the moment. Try the Tarot Association of the British Isles — they have a list of professional readers. Too want to start my career as a tarot card reader I m doing astrology fengshui crystal n intuition specialist I love telling about love n relationships solving problems related to health n fitness solving queries related to career n education n solving questions related to forecasting life ahead.

Thank you for this article. It can give people jow of how that really works. There is nothing wrong with carcs Tarot and it is good to learn, study, practice. I was however, pnline a number of times reached by clients who another reader told really bad things.

I would like to therefore add a bit to ethic list you pointed out. Some people who want reading are very receptive. I rather read for skeptic. So I would add to it a few things: cards are not telling that one particular future will happen for sure. It shows usually mxke stronger tendency in a current moment. Person may be able to change it, work on it. Also I am reluctant in saying I predict future, tqrot I always advice to check on the information I shared.

And last I spontaneously mone. Skilled reader will know when people are projecting on cards own fears. That may happen and it is very important to not read all that what cards may show. So before making money on it, please experiment on self ; and friends. Thanks, ShyeAnn I’m sure your insights would help a lot of people.

Informative and easy to read. It also gives me some insight if I decide to try my hand at reading cards for others! Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of carxs respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and. HubPages Inc, a part of Maven Inc.

As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. To provide a better website experience, toughnickel. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. Bev G. What is a Tarot Reading? Personal Qualities Necessary for Reading Tarot To be able to make money reading tarot cards, you must have certain personal qualities: Communication Skills You need good, if not excellent, communication skills.

Empathy This is really important. Tarog the Tarot Knowledge of your tools is ultra important. A Code of Ethics Every reader must set his or her boundaries. Where to Read Tarot Onoine for Money You will have to do local research, meanwhile here are some suggestions: Your own home. A table or desk, chairs and a congenial atmosphere are always good. It needs to be clean and fresh smelling. At a cafe or bar. They may suggest that you use a corner at their business for one or more days.

They may even advertise for you — after all, your services will bring in more custom for. Fairs and festivals are good places to read tarot.

Tarot parties. These tend to be less formal than one-to-one readings, although there still needs to be an element of privacy unless the client has asked that a friend be present. Monney you can give the hostess a free reading to thank her for hosting the party? Tarot parties are great for hen nights and how to make money reading tarot cards online. Skype readings are gaining popularity. The prospective client contacts you by whatever means — website or email.

You agree mondy time.

Let me show you ten ways in which to get your tarot deck to earn some cash for you. Pretty straightforward — you make it known that you will read the cards for money. Bribe Ask your friends to pass the word. Maybe get some business cards printed. Take out an advert in a local newspaper and away you go. Make sure to set it up properly, keep records of income and expenditure and all. You will need to set your fees, decide whether you will go to them or if they will come to you, or if you will rent a space. It makes sense to get some reafing of counseling training. Tarot parties are great fun and you can integrate them into your face-to-face reading business as. The trickiest part is working out your fee. You jow charge a flat-rate for the evening, no matter how many people are there — you have to work out the time given to each reading so that everyone gets a fair shot. Alternatively, charge individually, so that some could have a one-card reading while others get a longer one.


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