I started every workday by spending a few hours writing cold emails to friends of friends and pitching to freelance gigs found on various sites and Facebook groups. Finding work was as much a part of my work-at-home job as doing the actual work. So how can you quickly and easily find new clients and customers to fill this gap? When I decided I wanted to expand my photography portfolio from corporate work to family and portraits, I knew I was going to have to branch out of my current client list. Outside of family and friends, I was at a loss at where to turn. On a whim while spring cleaning, I posted an ad on Craigslist. You heard that correctly! After reading posts on The Work at Home Woman about generating income through finding your nicheI spent a good deal of time thinking about these things:. After that, the answer was easy — aquascaping! Aquascaping is the art and design of living, planted aquariums; you can learn more about it. Along with my ad for photography and a host of items I found while cleaning out my closet, I posted an advertisement for live aquarium plants. Do you have a service, product, craft, or hobby that could potentially be monetized?
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Would you like to earn extra money from home in your spare time? Classified Ads! Hey Folks,. My experience is no different. What I found was shocking There are literally hundreds of ways to earn money from Craigslist, many of which do not require selling physical products. In fact, you don’t even have to leave your house to earn substantial money using America’s favorite classified ad site. I know what you’re thinking. I started selling items on Craigslist because I was quickly realizing that sales were better than labor as far as earning a living goes. I made my first sale in 72 hours. It was an adrenaline rush. I figured out a way to get more items to sell and for dirt cheap. I discovered a FREE app that made it possible to list items in minutes, not hours. This allowed me to sell some items before I even got home and unloaded them! I was amazed at the results…. I acquired so much inventory, that I completely filled my entire spare bedroom in my apartment. For the first time in months I had a steady flow of cash coming in from Craigslist sales. It felt wonderful to pay my rent and other bills on time. I even saved up some cash for a vacation! I thought this was some strange anomaly and wanted to test some different methods for generating quick cash.
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I wish I had more crap just so I could sell it. Your old iPhone is better on eBay. With all good things come complaints. Many people complain about how they wasted a bunch of time listing items, only to sell nothing! These suggestions can make the difference between selling an item in hours and not getting a single reply. Craigslist is fresh on my mind, because I just used it to unload a bunch of precious crap from my house. Eighteen items, in fact.
How Make Money With Craigslist~ [$100 Made] In 24 Hrs!!!
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My very first attempt at making money on Craigslist was selling a few 5 gallon buckets of interior paint, a few years ago. That was when I realized how easy it really is to make money with Craigslist. So I started researching and reading about the ways other people had been making money on CL. Just enter Craigslist. This section is a goldmine of opportunities. You can find tons of used and sometimes almost new, slightly used items. You can get free stuff from used furniture and tools to books, gym equipment and everything in. Generally, the only catch is that you have to move the stuff. Some people may even help you load it which is very kind of. Make no mistake about the quality of the goods you find in the free section. With a few exceptions, people are generally trying to get rid of things that are, more often than not, in very good shape. Join Opinion Outpost It is free You can simply sign up and have your account in seconds. Just pass these! While those might look useless to you, there are certainly people who can take it and make the best kake it. And yes, sometimes you can even get cash for your trash! Perhaps that dresser you picked up could use a scrubbing, or craigsliat a full-on polishing, but afterward it is showroom-ready. This is the ideal kind of thing you want to pick up on Craigslist because other people chasing these opportunities might not be willing to put in that makf of work. Be sure to take as many quality pictures as you can from different angles, showing various details of the item. You want photos with good lighting, multiple angles, and most importantly, you want something that makes your product look good. Heck, you can even sell your smartphone pictures for cash, these days. Include as much information as you are comfortable. People like things that are impressive and noteworthy, so share any cool details you have about it.
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