A study conducted by Medscape earlier this year sheds light on the income of physicians. That’s a lot of money, but physicians are also working long hours and struggling under a mountain of debt, and as a result, many aren’t so sure that if given the chance to do it all over again that they’d still choose to practice medicine. Orthopedic doctors, or those specializing in conditions involving the muscoskeletal system, are the top income earners. Physicians practicing medicine in this specialty treat conditions such as arthritis and ACL injuries and conduct surgery, such as hip replacements. The doctors who get paid the least every year are pediatricians and physicians in family practices. In addition to the income that physicians make by treating patients, they can also earn money by providing expert witness testimony, selling products, or speaking at conferences. Overall, orthopedics make the most money from these other activities, while radiologists typically make the. More to the story Although physicians earn big pay checks, they’re also saddled with big debt, work long hours, and are often dissatisfied by their work. Given the cost of a medical education is high and climbing, it’s probably not surprising to learn that many physicians borrow a lot of money to finance their education. Paying off student loan debt may also be one reason why so many doctors are logging work week’s that are far north of 40 hours. For example, nearly a third of all primary care physicians put in more what kind of doctor makes the most amount of money 45 hours per week at their job. Tying it together Physician pay is high and varies widely by specialty and that likely attracts many people to study medicine. However, physicians also work long hours and take on burdensome levels of debt and that leads many of them to question their calling. Overall, while dissatisfaction is widespread across physicians, one exception appears to be primary care doctors. According to the survey, despite family doctors being among the lowest income earners and logging long hours, they’re also the most willing physicians to choose medicine again — further proof that a big paycheck, while important, isn’t .
In general, African-American, Asian and Hispanic physicians of both genders all reported earning less than white physicians; Medscape listed age, choice of specialty and possible bias as factors that may be contributing to the discrepancy. Here are the average reported annual salaries for physicians in the top five highest- and lowest-earning specialties:. For the report, Medscape surveyed more than 20, physicians across 29 specialties. To learn more, see the full report at Medscape. These are both major factors and taking them into account, among other factors, will certainly eliminate any gap. As a family doctor, I did not earn close to the earnings that are being reported in this article! The disparity in earnings between genders unfortunately had been true for me. I find the pay difference to be discouraging and very unfair! I am not sure this article is totally accurate and it bothers me to think that the physician salaries that are being reported here are actually correct. I have left family medicine. The unfairness of how we are treated and the demands made upon us now are ridiculous. Reading this article only validates why I left the profession.
Doctors make a much better living than most Americans.
Using a third-party online collection website, Medscape surveyed 24, physicians across 25 specialties from Feb. The lowest earning doctors are the family guys. Overall, not a lot changed over the previous year in terms of pay rank, according to Medscape, but salaries dipped in general. The survey authors say that part of the difference is due to choice of specialties and lifestyle decisions, suggesting that if female doctors worked the same number of hours as men, they would likely earn more equal pay. Interestingly, the survey found that doctors in the Northeast earned the least. You can view the full Medscape Physician Compensation Report here. Contact us at editors time.
These medical specialties earn the most
Turns out there’s a big disparity in what primary care physicians and specialists can make depending on where they practice Doximity, a kind of LinkedIn for white coats, conducted an anonymous salary survey taken by 35, of its more than , members. There’s still a gender pay gap in medicine, even though a third of all physicians are now women and they make up half of this year’s graduating medical students, according to Doximity. Its survey found the biggest gaps in ophthalmology. New York and Boston are meccas of world renowned medical schools and teaching hospitals. That may help explain why reported salaries there are less than many other areas of the country. One theory is that many doctors in those cities go into academic medicine, which typically pays less. In fact, the average salary for primary care physicians in D. On average, states in the heartland pay handsomely relative to other places. Here are the highest and lowest paying states for both primary care physicians e. Personal Finance. CNNMoney Sponsors. SmartAsset Paid Partner. These are your 3 financial advisors near you This site finds and compares 3 financial advisors in your area Check this off your list before retirement: talk to an advisor Answer these questions to find the right financial advisor for you Find CFPs in your area in 5 minutes. NextAdvisor Paid Partner.
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Are Doctors Rich? $$$ Physicians vs. UPS Drivers
Doctors, like police officerstake a lot of heat from the public. Healthcare reform and a heightened focus on affordable plans for countless baby boomers leaving the workforce are complicating the lives of doctors. Still, doctors are among the highest-paid — and most educated — professionals in the country. Additional factors, qhat as liability insurance and the number of other physicians in the area also influence how much a doctor can make in each state. Where does your state fall? Here are the states where doctors can earn the most money. Doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana, make more on average than their mosf in other states. Doctors in Indiana have the tenth-highest average salary among doctors across the country, according to Medscape data. It notes that Indiana doctors enjoy one of the least expensive annual malpractice liability insurance rates in the U. Add in a low cost of living, and easy to see how doctors can earn a comfortable income in this state. In addition to a high annual salary in Minnesota, doctors in this state also enjoy what kind of doctor makes the most amount of money disciplinary actions taken by the state medical board. Believe it or not, Iowa is a paradise for doctors.
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